A Reporter's Life

Home again

After two weeks of wandering a select portion of North America, which included adding Michigan to the list of states I've visited, I'm back home -- where the temperature is supposed to be in the triple digits tomorrow. I think I'm ready to go back to Canada.

I am now hopelessly behind on a number of Web sites I visit daily, but I'll live. After all, I did just fine before finding those sites. If I missed anything extraordinary, let me know.

Whether I'll write further about my adventures remains to be seen, but I will say this: I can get a lot done in a short amount of time if I choose. I got home tonight and in just over one hour I managed to clean up cat messes, unpack two bags and put them away, return my laptop, purses and camera bags to their normal order, rearrange things in the bathroom and get ready for bed.

Posted by Layla at 11:46 PM, June 20, 2006

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