A Reporter's Life


I've been slacking off on this poor blog (and the closure of comments doesn't help), but I've sure had a lot going on. I'll probably post again before the day is out, but this article infuriated me to the point of posting now. Drug gangs in Mexico are terrorizing newspapers to the point that they've begun scaling back drug coverage so their reporters aren't killed. The article quotes one journalist: "We are in the hands of the narcos, and we have to acknowledge that. ... They are the ones who are setting the conditions. They make up the rules. They run things." The editor even said he's going to stop covering drug gangs.

In other words, organized crime is winning a battle in Mexico. Imagine that happening in the U.S. with the Mafia or the Mob. Actually, that kind of thing has happened here, but not to the point where gangsters fire 60 rounds and a grenade into a newspaper building. I'd like to think it's because we just wouldn't take it, but I'm not sure if that's the real reason.

At any rate, I find this more frustrating than unnerving. But I'm also intrigued, because I've long entertained a dream of being an organized crime reporter. Yes, it's hazardous, but I've never heard of a female reporter doing the job and I'd love to take on the challenge. But, for the sake of my family's sanity, I think I'll avoid taking such a job in Mexico.

Posted by Layla at 11:21 AM, February 11, 2006

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