A Reporter's Life

Off the record

One of the worst things a reporter can do (besides libel, or basically being Jayson Blair) is betray sources. If a reporter agrees that something is going to be "off the record," it damn well better be, or else such information won't be given the next time. If a reporter burns a source, word quickly spreads and the damage worsens.

I'm fairly certain I can say that I have never burned a source, and people tell me things because they know I won't let them down. As time goes by, more people are willing to tell me things.

I love getting more information, and I love it when I can confirm that information and print it. But sometimes I can't print the information. In one case, I knew part of a story but had to wait about five months before I could print it. Other things have been waiting much longer.

What makes it frustrating is seeing the shoddy television 'reporters' use the anonymous sources by beginning and ending all sorts of outlandish newscasts with, "sources tell us," or, "officials close to the investigation said..." One reporter with a local CBS affiliate is especially notorious for doing this.

It bothers me because I know that some of the "off the record" information I receive is not always completely accurate. It's a piece of the incomplete puzzle, and my sources don't usually have the whole puzzle figured out. These TV reporters can call themselves journalists, but if I printed the stuff, I'd be no better than a tabloid found in the check-out line at the grocery store.

(Oh, and this information is all on the record, thank you very much.)

Posted by Layla at 9:50 AM, November 15, 2003

— Comments —

Great article on Mendoza. Nice job keeping it quiet, too -- I can see why it would have been hard to keep it from even friends.

Is there anything other than the television reporting that makes you bring up this subject now?

Posted by: MONKEY MONKEY at 5:13 PM, November 15, 2003

Yeah, there is more than the television reporting. When I've got more stuff OFF the record than ON the record for a story that is not going to just lay dormant until the pieces fall together, it makes life difficult.

In the Mendoza case, I knew enough about it to give me a jump start for when the story broke. But in this current situation, I've got some strange stuff from a couple of people. However, I can't print it because I won't go back on my word and burn very important sources. I should eventually be able to get to the bottom of it, and I'm hoping to nail down some of it Monday, but this impatient reporter doesn't like waiting.

Posted by: Layla at 5:33 PM, November 15, 2003

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